ex-mode and configuring vim in the vimrc # questions 2. creating a first config a) go through the options mentioned in the video's notes and see which ones you like b) add the ones you like to the vimrc c) tweak it until you are happy with it 3. ranges and ex-commands (answers below), note => ":set number" shows line numbers a) move question 1 to after question 3 with an ex-command using line numbers b) create a copy of question 2 after question 1 with an ex-command c) copy question 3 to behind question 2 (copy) using a from pattern and a to pattern d) delete the original question 2 and 3 using a pattern and a dot '.' in the range e) realize that the document is exactly how you started, delete everything and rage quit 1. finding and using options a) view the list of all vim options b) find an option that I did not mention, but appeals to you c) add the option to your .vimrc d) load the .vimrc without leaving vim e) try out your new option 2. creating a first config a) go through the options mentioned in the video's notes and see which ones you like b) add the ones you like to the vimrc c) tweak it until you are happy with it 3. ranges and ex-commands (answers below), note => ":set number" shows line numbers a) move question 1 to after question 3 with an ex-command using line numbers b) create a copy of question 2 after question 1 with an ex-command c) copy question 3 to behind question 2 (copy) using a from pattern and a to pattern d) delete the original question 2 and 3 using a pattern and a dot '.' in the range e) realize that the document is exactly how you started, delete everything and rage quit # answers to question 3 a) some options :5,11 move 23 move lines 5 up to 11 to the line after 23 :5,11m23 same as above, more cryptic, but easier to type :5,11 move . move lines 5 up to 11 to the cursor line (position cursor first) b) there are many ways using line numbers: :5,9 copy 23 copy lines 5-9 to after 23 :5,9c23 shorthand form :5,9 copy . copy to cursor line instead (position cursor first) :5,9c. shorthand form or using patterns: /^2./ finds the start of question 2. For the second pattern, it's less clear cut :/^2./,/^\s*c) tweak/+1 copy 23 find the line containing "c) tweak" after some whitespace :/^2./,/^\s*c) tweak/+1 copy . alternative using cursor position instead of explicit line :/^2./,/tweak.*it$/+1 copy 23 anchor to end of line instead using last word on line :/^2./,/tweak.*it$/+1 copy . :/^2./,/^2./+4 copy 23 or specify the offset in lines from the start of question 2 :/^2./,/^2./+4 copy . :/^2./-1,/^2./+4 copy 22 using the blank line before instead of after the question :/^2./-1,/^2./+4 copy . c) You get the commands and shorthands by now, I will focus on the range :/^3./,/^3./+6 copy 28 find the start of question 3. and use an offset for the end :/^3./,/^\s*e) realize/+1 copy 28 pattern that matches the start of the last sub-question :/^3./-1,/^\s*e) realize/ copy 27 using the blank line before instead of after the question :/^3./,/quit$/+1 copy 28 using the end of the line as an achor d) some options :.,/^1./-1 delete requires cursor on question 2. (original) :.,/quit$/+1 delete requires cursor on question 2. (original) e) deleting the whole document is a lot easier :%d % refers to the whole document :0,$d delete the beginning until the end ggdG since the question didn't say it had to be an ex-command I am pretty sure you know how to exit vim by now